Funding Announced to Support Nonprofits and Charities Build Capacity

To support charities and nonprofits obtaining essential funding to help build capacity, the Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, Karina Gould, released information about the Community Services Recovery Fund on November 22, 2022.

The Community Services Recovery Fund is a one-time investment of $400 million that will help charities and non-profits to acquire the tools they need to adapt and modernize so they can better support pandemic recovery in communities across Canada.

In support of the process, the Canadian Red Cross, Community Foundations of Canada, and United Way Centraide Canada will distribute the funding to charities and non-profits. Funding from the Community Services Recovery Fund will enable charities and non-profits to build capacity to:

  • adapt the way they deliver services to support the needs of their staff and volunteers;

  • buy equipment such as computers and software;

  • create new ways of working, such as developing new fundraising approaches;

  • provide support for staff and volunteers, such as staff training, supports for mental health and well-being; and

  • develop plans to receive funding from diverse sources.

Funding Expected to be Available for Not-for-Profit Co-operatives

Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada (CMC) is optimistic and expects that not-for-profit co-operatives will be eligible to seek funding under the established criteria. For additional support navigating the process or determining your potential eligibility, please contact Diamond Isinger, Advocacy Director at CMC, at

The National Funders are currently setting up the application process and will promote the Fund to diverse communities across Canada. The application process is expected to be launched on January 6, 2023. For more information, visit the National Funders' Community Services Recovery Fund website.

 To learn more about the funding - plan to attend 

Ahead of applications opening in January 2023, interested organizations can learn more at two webinars hosted by the funders:

ACCESS is Working to Build Capacity for Nonprofits, Charities and Co-ops 

Allied Community & Co-operative Shared Services (ACCESS) is a nonprofit co-operative shared service model specifically formed to reduce organizational pressures, fill service gaps and provide essential administrative back-office support for social purpose organizations, including co-ops, nonprofits, charities, childcare centres, and social enterprises across Canada. Clients can secure the right support to fit their needs, values, and budget by utilizing ACCESS and their aligned service providers.

 Additionally, the team is committed to minimizing barriers to obtaining services through ACCESS and for this reason, there are no additional fees for members of our member associations to join ACCESS. 

 Please use this link to learn more at


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