Maximizing Impact: Embrace the Benefits of ACCESS Shared Services 

Social enterprise organizations play a crucial role in addressing societal challenges and creating positive change. However, the journey towards achieving impactful goals can be demanding, requiring significant efforts and resources. To empower these organizations in fulfilling their missions effectively, ACCESS offers a game-changing solution: shared services. In this blog, we will explore how ACCESS shared services not only lighten the workload of your staff but also provide an array of benefits that can maximize your organization's impact and sustainability. 

Lighten the Load and Empower Your Team

Social enterprise organizations have dedicated staff members who often wear multiple hats, juggling between program management, community engagement, and administrative tasks. This heavy workload can lead to burnout and hinder their ability to focus on driving positive change. With ACCESS shared services, you can provide your team with invaluable support, offloading time-consuming and resource-intensive back-end functions. By relieving your staff of these burdens, you empower them to dedicate more time and energy to the core mission, ultimately leading to greater impact in the communities you serve.

Optimize Your Impact

Financial prudence is crucial for social purpose organizations. By leveraging shared services, ACCESS can help you optimize your budget. We tailor service plans to match your specific needs, ensuring that you receive the support necessary to achieve your mission without incurring unnecessary costs. Our customized approach enables you to discover innovative ways to save on vital services like accounting, compliance, and technology support, empowering you to focus more of your resources on your core social objectives.

Scaling Together for Greater Impact

As your social enterprise organization evolves and expands its reach, so do your operational needs. With ACCESS, you can grow and scale together. We are committed to enhancing our suite of services to meet the changing demands of social purpose organizations. By partnering with us, you gain access to a continuously expanding range of support and expertise, ensuring that your organization remains agile and capable of addressing new challenges effectively.

Foster a Positive Work Culture and Growth

A healthy work culture is vital for the success and sustainability of any organization. Overburdened staff may experience increased stress and reduced job satisfaction, leading to higher turnover rates. By introducing shared services from ACCESS, you demonstrate a commitment to supporting your team's well-being and work-life balance. A lighter workload can lead to a more positive and motivated workforce, resulting in improved team dynamics and overall organizational success. Moreover, as your organization grows and expands, ACCESS continues to scale its suite of services, allowing you to access even more specialized support over time.

Tailored Solutions for Your Mission

No two social enterprise organizations are identical, and their missions and communities served are unique. At ACCESS, we recognize and celebrate these differences. Our team works closely with you to understand your organization's specific needs and challenges. We then develop personalized strategies and solutions to amplify your capabilities and bolster your impact within the community.

Whether your social enterprise organization requires assistance with financial management, technology support, or compliance, ACCESS has the tools and expertise to help you succeed. Our shared services model allows you to concentrate on advancing your social goals while benefiting from professional support on the back end.

Maximize Impact

Shared services hold immense promise for social enterprise organizations seeking to maximize their impact and sustainability. By collaborating with ACCESS, your organization can offload back-end burdens, optimize your budget, and access an ever-expanding range of specialized services. Our tailored approach ensures that your organization receives the support it needs to thrive, enabling you to remain steadfast in pursuing your social mission and making a profound difference in the lives of those you serve.

Are you looking for positive outcomes? Connect with ACCESS about available services; we offer a free consultation. To inquire about our current service offerings, please visit our website

Current Services:


Celebrating Co-operative Support


ACCESS Shared Services Offers Strength in Collaboration